5 Reasons to Choose Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

5 Reasons to Choose Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

Dental care dates back to 7000 B.C. in the Indus Valley Civilization. Additionally, we have evidence of dental issue descriptions from about 5000 B.C. The Greeks also weighed in on dental health, but it was in the 1700s that dentistry became a more defined profession. A century later, the first form of braces was invented. 

Braces as the primary method of teeth straightening have been available for a long time. In the late 90s, however, a Stanford student and her friend came up with Invisalign®. Invisalign is an alternative to braces for tooth straightening. With sustained improvement in the technology, it produces even better results.


Invisalign® Is Invisible


A significant feature of Invisalign and one of the motivating factors for its invention is invisibility. Invisalign are clear aligner trays that blend in with your teeth. While they are not entirely invisible to a keen eye, they are discreet enough to most people. This contrasts with traditional braces that stick out like a sore thumb in your mouth. 

Traditional braces comprise brackets and wires, which all have a different color to your teeth. With Invisalign, you can straighten your teeth without feeling self-conscious. You can smile normally while having the same level of precision. 


Invisalign Is Removable


Traditional braces are attached to your teeth until the dentist removes them at the end of your treatment. On the other hand, Invisalign trays are removable any time you feel you need to. Some of the times you take off your aligners are during eating or drinking. However, you should have the aligners on for 22 hours a day to have the best results. 


You Can Eat Whatever You Want


Because Invisalign is removable, you can eat anything you want. You take off the aligners when eating so that food particles do not get into the aligners. With traditional braces, you cannot take them off to eat. You have to stick to a specific diet, which can be limiting. Some foods can get stuck between the wires and the brackets, causing bad breath and cavities. 


You Can Maintain Oral Hygiene


Another critical aspect of Invisalign is that you can maintain routine oral hygiene. You will need to brush your teeth after eating to ensure the trays do not collect bacteria. You only need to take them off anytime you want to brush. You can also floss between your teeth, which is impossible with braces. Braces include wires that cross between teeth, so you cannot get to the bottom of the spaces between your teeth. 


Invisalign Is Comfortable


Invisalign is made from a plastic resin that is gentle on your teeth. It shifts your teeth slowly by applying gentle pressure. You shift between trays over the weeks until you get to the correct tooth alignment. 

The aligners are molded to fit over your teeth snuggly. With braces, you have to deal with the pressure from the wires, which can be overwhelming. Also, having wires in your mouth can feel very strange.

For more reasons to choose Invisalign over traditional braces, visit Smile Institute Miami at our office in Miami, Florida. Call (305) 590-5228 to book an appointment today.

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